Last Saturday 14, November 2015, Mastermind had the pleasure of training a bunch of energetic and highly motivated sales person of a training company. The person behind the this successful company is none other than Lynn Ho, who happened to be a long time acquaintance of our master trainer, Jackson Ng.
What makes a sales person successful? How do you achieve a breakthrough sales result? What does B-R-E-A-K-T-H-R-O-U-G-H means? Breakthrough simply means ” a new result, a new achievement, something that you have never achieved before”. Hence having a breakthrough results in sales means not only achieving any sales target but also exceeding them. For example, your daily target is to make 50 fresh calls, after this training, you are able to achieve 60. That is breakthrough as you have never reached 60 calls before.
However, to achieve a breakthrough result, we must first have the mindset for it. In actual fact, whatever that we want to accomplish, we must set our mind to it. Self-doubting or questioning ourselves instead of affirming our beliefs and ability may be the cause of our constant failure. Get rid of that fear, challenge your current mindset, change your perception and have a million dollar mindset and an achiever’s attitude!
To put participants knowledge into good practice, Jackson had asked all participants to sell one book each to a total stranger. Many actually felt nervous and scared as they were not used to a face to face sales presentation. With the right formula, technique and framework provided by the trainer, most actually felt that they would be able to sell and have breakthrough result.
Jackson helped the participants to conquer their fear of rejection or objection from potential clients. As a sales person, regardless of the industry we are from, we are subjected to constant changes in our daily dealings. What may be confirmed yesterday may be cancelled today. Hence, it is our reaction to this external changes of which we have no control that makes us a better sales person and a better individual. Thus, Jackson’s parting words were “Be water. Adapt to changes.”